Saturday, 25 August 2012

Marie Howe, American star, to read at Poetry in the Persian Tent

Amazing news.  I am so thrilled that the acclaimed American poet, Marie Howe, will be reading at PiPT tomorrow, Sunday, at 11am.   Marie, who read with Lavinia Greenlaw at the EIBF, has managed to fit us into her tight schedule on her flying visit to Edinburgh.

Her poetry is deeply moving and in particular, the elegy she wrote for her brother who died of an Aids-related illness in 1989.  Margaret Atwood has said that Howe writes 'poems of obsession that transcend their own dark roots.'  Her reading at the Aldeburgh Festival some time ago went down a storm and I sure she will tomorrow too.

Along with Stewart Conn, former Edinburgh Makar, Mandy Haggith and Eunice Buchanan, it will certainly be an event with a variety of voices.

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